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Strength built through integration of body, mind, & spirit

World-class training and rehab through an integrated mind-body approach.



Pain & Injury Resolution

The integrated style of therapy that I utilize in my clinic is a unique combination of movement, manual tissue therapy, functional neurology, applied kinesiology, and energy work to restore the connection between your brain and body. When the CNS (central nervous system) is functioning optimally, it facilitates your body’s ability to self-regulate and heal. The ongoing assessment process helps to pinpoint what level of healing is appropriate for that client any given time, and which combination of modalities will work best. Chronic pain, muscle weakness and imbalance, joint mobility, scar tissues treatment, lower back, shoulder, and knee pain, etc. Most issues can be resolved with this style of work.

Weight Loss & Body Transformation

One of the most common goals when it comes to movement and exercise is losing weight and building muscle for the purposes of total body transformation. This process is simple on paper, but much harder to make happen in reality. Many of us can get overwhelmed with the details and science of the process. Even knowing what to do might not be enough for us to actually make it happen. Many of us need a more thorough approach than simply cutting calories and moving more. Emotional stress, chronic pain, and poorly metabolic health are huge roadblocks for most of us. Having a knowledgeable, compassionate, and inspiring coach can make all the difference in your success and achieving the body and health that you desire.

Professional Mentorship / Coaching

The best learning experiences in my professional career have been through direct mentorship. Working with skilled and experienced practitioners, especially those who have a passion for teaching, can really help to elevate your knowledge and expertise in order to better serve your clients. I have a passion for teaching, and believe in helping each other grow as professionals. In this way, a much larger impact can be had, and we can help more people heal more deeply, and make the world a better place. This mentorship program is focused on helping you heal, better understand and reconnect to your body, get stronger, more resilient, and confident in your body, and to provide all the needed resources and education needed along the way.


Are you ready to heal, grow, and change your life?


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